Our very own Dena Murphy, Chair of NEPHRA Good Neighbours has been crowned a “Community Hero” by the Daily Mirror Pride of Britain Awards.
Dena was highlighted in the awards show on for her tireless work on the NEPHRA Allotment, which she runs, with help from our NEPHRA volunteers.
Dena also has a team of young offenders, who are completing Community Payback orders, from The Cheshire and Greater Manchester Community Rehabilitation Company working with her. She loves working with these young men and is instrumental in helping them to get their lives back on track.
Dena, now 92, has been our treasured Chair at NEPHRA for the past sixteen years and her tireless work, not only for our charity, but within the rest of the community has earned her this well-deserved accolade.
When presented with the award by Coronation Street Stars, Anthony Cotton and Jennie McAlpine, Dena said:
“I don’t know what to say, it’s not like me to be speechless, I never expected this. It’s the first time in 30 years I’ve actually cried! I love working in Moston to support people and am very touched by the award.”
Dena’s dedication to the allotment sees her working there, often three or four hours each day, to grow the fresh produce that goes into the NEPHRA Meals on Wheel Scheme, enabling us to reach 120 service users on a weekly basis.
The Allotment is not only functional, it’s also a beautiful and peaceful place to be and we have lost count of the number of Gold Awards that Dena has won over the years from the RHS!