27 Parkfield Rd North 0161 637 6788 office.nephra@gmail.com
The NEPHRA Allotment
Project Summery.
NEPHRA's Allotment
Northfield Rd, New Moston, Manchester M40 3RN
Our allotment has been recognised as an important and inspirational, regional and international allotment site. It attracts visitors and allotment holders who wish to learn about community allotments and community food schemes. Activities at the Allotment have included:
Community Payback schemes to clear up “grot-spots” and provide opportunities further training and qualifications
Brightening up the neighbourhood schemes – growing flowers, shrubs and herbs for planters and hanging baskets
Growing food for the luncheon club
Growing fruit and vegetables to make our delicious jams and chutneys
Children’s gardening club and Children’s Environmental fun days
Grow, cook and taste sessions
Fundraising and community events – bringing the community together to raise its own funds for community action and improvement.
Would you like to gain valuable experience in developing and maintaining an allotment? Or perhaps you know someone interested in growing a wide range of fruit and vegetables? If so, please get in touch. We are always looking for new volunteers. If you think you have what it takes look after our allotment garden, please let us know.